Change to Lithium-ion Battery Rules

Some breaking news from the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has just been distributed and concerns a major change relating to the transportation of any goods that contain a rechargable lithium-ion battery. This means your most mobiles phones, tablets, laptops and may other suchlike devices.

As from 1st April 2016 (not an April fools joke), these devices will no longer be allowed in the hold. Than means not in your checked in luggage. They will need to travel with you in the cabin.

A study has concluded that when these rechargable lithium-ion batteries are packed closely together or are damaged they can in some cases overheat. Most aircraft are not equipped to cope with such an incident and could cause severe consequences.

When scanning your cases before loading on to the aircraft, if they are found to contain rechargable lithium-ion batteries be prepared that the airline might refuse to load the baggage.